The doctor who brought Eriksen back to life reveals the first words of the Danish star

The doctor who helped bring Christian Eriksen back to life after he suffered a cardiac arrest in Denmark’s Euro 2020 match with Finland last week has revealed what the Danish star said in the moments after he regained consciousness.

The Inter midfielder fell unconscious on the pitch during the first half of the game in Copenhagen and it took him 15 minutes to receive CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) before he recovered and was taken to hospital in a stable condition, where he is still recovering.

German doctor Jens Kleinefeld was one of the first people on stage at Parken Stadium and helped deliver the electric shocks that resumed the 29-year-old’s heartbeat.

Kleinefel has now revealed what Eriksen said in the first moments after he regained consciousness.

“About 30 seconds later, the player opened his eyes and I could talk directly to him,” Kleinefeld initially told Fox Sports.

“This was a very touching moment, because in such medical emergencies in everyday life, the chances of success are much lower.”

Kleinefeld revealed that he then asked Eriksen, “Are you with us again?” and Eriksen replied, “Yes, I am with you again. Damn it, I’m only 29 years old.

Otherwise, this morning the doctor of the Danish national team, Morten Boesen announced that Eriksen has agreed to have surgery.

The Danish star will be fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) to regulate his heart rate.